gloucester candlestickの例文
- The "'Gloucester Candlestick "'is an elaborately decorated English Romanesque metalwork.
- The bronze Gloucester candlestick and the Hildesheim Cathedral, the Gniezno Doors, and the doors of the Basilica di San Zeno in Verona are other substantial survivals.
- The 11th century Gloucester Candlestick was obtained by the V & A from ( a ) Prince Soltikoff in 1861 and the John Grandisson Triptych which is now in the British Museum was also once part of the Saltykov collection.
- One of the rarest items in the collection is the 58 cm high Gloucester Candlestick, dated to c1110, made from gilt bronze; with highly elaborate and intricate intertwining branches containing small figures and inscriptions, it is a tour de force of bronze casting.
- This habit of mind was an essential component of both the Romanesque and Gothic styles, where forms of Anglo-Saxon invention such as the inhabited and historiated initials became more important than they ever had in Anglo-Saxon art itself, and works like the Gloucester Candlestick ( c . 1110 ) show the process in other media.